QUUBE Exchange: The First Quantum Resistant Security Token Exchange.


The world is changing fast. New technology, which existed only in the imagination of fantasy writers, cuts our lives. The computer age began less than 80 years ago and today almost every family has several processor devices that are much faster than the first multi-stage computing machine. The tools are related to building local and global networks, demonstrating extraordinary capabilities in data collection and processing, achieving previously inaccessible levels of comfort for users.

In 1965, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore observed that computer capacity doubled every two years. Such an interesting dependency is called “Moore’s Law”. The law has been followed up until 2011 in traditional computers industry becomes the dominant technical task for all market participants. In 2011 the computer production industry faced a problem of physical limitations. Synchronous operation of the processor with a large number of transistors cannot be guaranteed.

The world that we are currently living in is undergoing rapid changes, and new technologies which were just fantasies have made their way into our lives. The era of computers started less than eighty years ago, and currently, almost every other family out there has multiple devices with processors that are much faster than the first multi-stage computing machines. These devices are linked creating global and local networks and showcasing unbelievable abilities of data collection and processing, reaching earlier inaccessible comfort levels for users.

Yuri Manin in 1980, suggested the idea of quantum computers and the first model had been worked out by Richard Feynman in 1981.By the beginning of the 21st century, the software industry was ready for quantum computer implementation. Programming languages for the first programs were developed, portraying unbelievable abilities of quantum computers. At the beginning of 2001, the quantum computer performed the Shor’s a logarithm, and this announced the quantum era.


Quube is a digital platform that consolidates a user’s IOT devices into one mesh distributed network.

Quube autonomously connects with users and devices to create a scalable, secure point to point marketplace for data and bandwidth


Your smart TVs and devices sit unused for most of the day, leaving tons of micro-processing power completely unutilized.

We see a future where you can share this unused computing power via Quube in order to speed up the delivery of all cloud-based content, and use the platform’s built-in encrypted chat to securely connect with your family and friends!

In return you’ll earn rewards for movies, gift cards and more.


QuuChat™ is the proprietary instant messaging app on the Quube platform. A secure and encrypted point to point communication without servers nor filters.

This means your device, personal information, location and all other information is completely protected from hackers, digital identity theft, and other digital attacks. You can even use Quube’s secure network to chat with your friends and family.


All of your cloud-based streaming content is typically hosted on a network of servers, and consumes a ton of server space.

This creates a huge burden for a traditional network, or extensive costs to provide adequate bandwidth. On the alternative, our scalable Blockchain platform can provide over 1 million transactions per second.

The more people who join Quube, the more processing power is available.


Ever spent time waiting for your movie to load, dealt with blurry images, buffering, or server outages outside of your control that left you unable to access the content you want?

The Quube network is decentralized, meaning there’s no single point of failure when it comes to accessing your content.


This my friends is a project whose main objective is to create a new quantum-resistant ecosystem that is focused on the security token market, high speed, super protected and safe trading space, and communication channels as well.

The team’s response to the 51% attack threat is the launching of quantum blockchain which is kept on quantum computers thus almost eliminating the risk of 51% attack. In regards to the second threat of encryption algorithms attacks, the quantum blockchain is equipped with methods which are stable to quantum computing and even post-quantum encryption methods.

The QUUBE team has worked out software for cryptocurrencies exchanges and crypto wallets which operates with the blockchain recording trading logs and balances. You might ask yourself why invest in QUUBE, well, the highly professional team has succeeded to implement the first quantum-safe ecosystem and security token launchpad with the exchange platform enabling STO/ICO projects to fundraise expeditiously amongst accredited and non-accredited investors.

Traders to achieve large profits in a short period of time several times higher.

Traders, miners, investors, and other people who need fiat currency exchange become the use of crypto one and vice versa

cryptocurrency exchanges are good for getting profits or for exchanging their funds to the necessary flows

The geographical distribution of cryptocurrency exchanges and their clients

The US is a leading country according to the number of cryptocurrency exchange clients. Coinbase and GDAX users

often registering from the United States while Bithumb, OKEx and Huobi participants are mostly located in Asia

Summary of QRP tokens

QRP tokens are selected for the initial bid. The token is planned to be launched on the ERC-20 standard using Ethereum blockchain. The QRP token has a utility token function that is used for stake lotteries that are provided for STO / IEO services.

There will be no other way besides the QRP token

  1. Token Price: $ USD 0.5
  2. There is a plan to launch a QRP token: s250 million
  3. fuel for STO / IEO: Utility type
  4. There is no locking period
  5. For sale on the QRP platform: 175’000’000
  6. Date: September 2019

The geographical division of crypto wallet suppliers

  • 27%: other
  • 34%: US
  • 15%: English
  • 8%: Germany
  • 8%: Switzerland
  • 8%: Chinese

Geographical division of crypto wallet users

  • 30%: North America
  • 31%: Europe
  • 20%: Asia-Pacific
  • 13%: Latin America
  • 4%: Africa & Middle East

Expected allocation of funds during ICO is illustrated by the following scheme:

  • 40%: Blockchain R&D & Development Lab
  • 30%: Exchange software
  • 20%: hosting the Quantum key distribution
  • 5%: Marketing
  • 5%: Margin Trading Terminal





STO projects can use an automated Launchpad at the QUUBE exchange platform to generate security tokens which are ERC-20 compliant and acquire an instant listing or structure STO from scratch with QUUBE alliance. Security has always been a scarce resource in the world of digital data.

Quantum computers are bound to cause havoc and bring major disbalance to the cryptocurrency realm in just a matter of time. It’s imperative that you take control of your digital wallets today by joining the QUUBE project movement.

GET MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE QuuChat™ Instant Messaging Beta App

Join Quube to help build the future digital sharing economy and earn rewards just by sharing your device’s unused processing power. Help us reach our goal of signing up 1,000 initial participants for the Quube Beta Trial.

#QUUBE#Social#trading#blockchn #crypto #cryptotrading.


Name: Farahabis

Bitcointalk profil:

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Email : kencingbae@gmail.com

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