The Solana ecosystem is growing rapidly and is sure to become one of the leading blockchain systems in the near future.

The Solana ecosystem is growing rapidly and is sure to become one of the leading blockchain systems in the near future.

So, what exactly is Arweave? It is a type of storage that supports persistent and persistent data.

Arweave allows users and developers to store data permanently. This is a unique project and the first in the world. In short, Arweave, as a collective hard drive, can store valuable information about any application and history indefinitely. By protecting your data, you can prevent others from copying your code/data, thus making your application more secure.

The SOLAR bridge is manufactured by Bering Waters, a technology company based in Hong Kong. Bridge is a very important development for Solana’s continued growth as it makes it the first blockchain to be able to move and store its transaction history on a dedicated storage network.

Due to the increase in block production, blockchains like Solana will generate a lot of data. Review resistance must always be available throughout the history of the ledger, which is necessary to allow all participants in the network to be audited in real time.
Solana’s throughput can reach 65k transactions per second with a block time of 400 milliseconds and over 50 nodes. With the continued rapid and large-scale growth of the network ecosystem, it is only a matter of time before the number of transactions per second increases again.

What is a blockchain bridge?
A blockchain bridge can create two different blockchain ecosystems to transfer tokens or data between each other. As you know, the lack of interoperability in the blockchain ecosystem is an undeniable challenge. Nowadays, whenever a developer builds a DApp on the blockchain, they are basically unable to move it and are trapped by the blockchain.

By using a bridge, a developer can have 2 blockchains interacting with each other. Blockchain bridges usually use some kind of burning protocol to maintain a constant supply of tokens across all platforms. When a digital asset leaves the blockchain, it will be burned or locked, and the equivalent asset will be minted on another blockchain.

Using blockchain bridges, developers can send their assets to other blockchains for processing at higher speeds and at lower costs. Moreover, both interconnected blockchain ecosystems benefit from using bridges as they reduce network traffic congestion by spreading network traffic to other blockchains.

What are the benefits of Solana?
In the short term, Arweave will receive funding with a long-term goal, namely paying Arweave as proof that the customer keeps the Solana block without the need to pay a fee. Integration with Arweave via the SOLAR bridge means Solana no longer needs to develop or use replicators as storage facilities.
Arweave is the better choice because Solana no longer has to worry about storage issues. Solana’s team can focus on their area of ​​expertise, high-performance replication engine, and Arweave can focus on decentralized storage solutions.
For connection information / purchase
, please click here: https:
// @SolLeaders



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AUTHOR : Farahabis

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A new era in online gambling is coming, and a new ICO to invest in, gone are the times when fiat currency was all we had. Since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009 the crypto currency market has gone from strength to strength gaining more and more interest. Most online gambling platforms do not entertain the use of cryptocurrency stakes let alone have a dedicated exchange, and given the new digital world we are now galloping into it is time to bring online gambling platforms into this new digital world.
Every once in a while, opportunities arise that surpass everything else in its field giving crypto enthusiast a chance to invest into a project that’s going to be a huge success, that chance has come in the form of a new crypto currency token named Crypto Stake (CST). This new token takes on the role of being a dedicated currency that will give people who like a flutter commonly known as a bet better odd over any other platform online, how can this be we hear you ask; the answer comes in the form of a new gambling eco system named
This new online gambling centre uses blockchain technology in any casino, lottery, or any game using random number generation (RGN) a first of its kind creating transparency, trust, and very importantly security.
This amazing new platform will have its own dedicated exchanged on board so any punters can exchange any Crypto Currency they hold to Crypto Stake and take advantage of higher betting odds, if you don’t have time to exchange place your wagers using any top 100 Crypto you hold or even use fiat, we aim to provide a service to everyone irrespective of the currency they wish to use, betting on casino gaming or sports book events is being catapulted into a fantastic new modern-day existence.
Why people will prosper investing in this ICO, the Pre-Public Sale price starts at $0.15 followed by 10 public rounds increasing by 5 cents per round easy to see how your investment is going to pay off when the Token hits the exchanges at $0.70. Crypto Stake forecast the demand for this be very high given its unusual use and benefits previously explain in this article.
Serious investors can use several means of contacting the team to get answers for any questions they may have below are all the contact details.


🐦. Twitter @cryptostake1

⌨️ Medium Https://

📝 Reddit r/crypto_stake
A reason to invest in Crypto Stake ICO
There has been a recent rise in crypto currency-based betting services to meet the demand of a market that prefers its use over fiat currency. While popular, these escrow services follow an unfavourable trend of utilizing cryptocurrency in a centralized manner, creating counter party risk that did not previously exist. This occurs as users entrust the ownership of their cryptocurrency to services which are susceptible to hacks and leave little recourse to victims of theft. We propose a sports betting exchange which solves this issue by means of decentralization, removing central points of failure to allow the use of cryptocurrency without counter party risk. A sports betting exchange is a marketplace for the trade of sporting outcomes. Unlike a traditional sports betting platform, a sports betting exchange eliminates the need for a central bookkeeper and instead enables users to place bets against one another. This paper details Block Sports, a decentralized sports betting exchange that approaches the concept of a Block chain-native sports betting platform with two key objectives Crypto Stake is creating a decentralized and trusted framework for sports betting and providing a rich user experience through an off-chain service layer. Utilizing the waves Block chain, a solution is proposed which integrates a decentralized oracle consensus network with a series of smart contracts, allowing users to place bets on sporting outcomes with waves. The result is a platform that solves the issue of counter party risk while still remaining competitive with traditional sports betting exchanges and giving full transparency in casino gaming through Block chain technology.

🌏 Website
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Username bitcointalk : Farahabis

Bitcointalk profil:

Username telegram : @farahabis

Wallet waves : 3PCfkE6MSMDKBEySqBNe9P9cg3LEWmXXrbB



Morbex is a decentralized AMM protocol that includes profitability optimization using multiple strategies. We use secure financial instruments and advanced gamification models to make banking attractive, transparent and accessible.

About Binance Smart Chain •

About Binance Smart Chain Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is evolving rapidly. From token swaps to decentralized money markets and cute NFTs, there are plenty of options for making a profit or just for fun.

AMM platform •

An Automated Market Maker (AMM) is a type of Decentralized Exchange (DEX) protocol that uses a mathematical formula to determine the price of an asset. Instead of using an order book like a traditional exchange, assets are priced according to a pricing algorithm.


• Benefits of using our solution •


Swaps are a technique that allows you to quickly exchange two different cryptocurrencies operating on different blockchain networks. Such a process (also known as atomic cross-chain trading) is based on smart contracts and allows users to trade their coins directly from their personal crypto wallets. Thus, atomic swaps are essentially peer-to-peer transactions across different blockchains.

Liquidity pool

Liquidity pools are one of the foundational technologies that underpin the current DeFi ecosystem. They are integral to automated market makers (AMM), borrowing and lending protocols, growing crops, synthetic assets, on-chain insurance, blockchain games – the list goes on.


You can consider staking as a less resource intensive alternative to mining. It includes storing funds in a cryptocurrency wallet to maintain the security and operation of the blockchain network. Simply put, staking is the act of blocking a cryptocurrency in order to receive a reward.


Productivity is the way to make more cryptocurrency with your cryptocurrency. It assumes that you lend your funds to other people using the magic of computer programs called smart contracts. In exchange for your services, you receive a commission in the form of cryptocurrency. Simple enough, huh? Well, not so fast.


Exchange crypto tokens instantly: no registration or account required.

Low fees

Why pay more? Morbex runs on Binance Smart Chain, a blockchain with much lower transaction costs than Ethereum or Bitcoin. Trading fees are also lower than other leading decentralized exchanges, so this is a double win for you!


Trade directly from your wallet. Unlike centralized exchanges like Binance or Coinbase, Morbex does not hold your funds when you trade: you own 100% of your own cryptocurrencies.


Earn BEX and other tokens for free at ultra-high interest rates.

Earn tokens with stake pools

Place BEX bets, earn free tokens. It’s really that simple. New projects also appear on the platform, so you can earn more and for longer.

Earn BEX with Yield Farms

Bet LP tokens, earn BEX. You are slightly more prone to market fluctuations than rate pools, but you can earn a higher annual interest rate to offset the risk.

Earn trading commissions

No farm? No problem. Even if your trading pair is not supported on the Farms page, you can still receive trading commissions by placing your tokens in liquidity pools (LP).

It’s safe?

View for yourself:
We are based on open source software: our site and all our smart contracts are publicly available for maximum transparency.
Our contracts are verified by BscScan, so you know what you see is what you get.
Security Best Practices:
The development team uses multi-signature for all contracts.

Private sales of MORBEX will start on JUNE 30

Blocking time – to be announced
Start time – 30 June.
End – July 2.
Soft cap – 500,000 BEX
Hard Cap – 1,000,000 BEX
Total volume – 10,000,000 BEX
We accept – BNB – BUSD Token
price – $ 2.
Distribution of tokens

Name: Morbex
Ticker: BEX
Platform: Binance Smart Chain
Max Supply: 10,000,000 BEX
Mining: 60%
IFO: 10%
Private Sale: 5%
Ecosystem: 10%
Team: 8%
Marketing: 5%
Lottery: 2%


• Roadmap to Success •

June 2021 [1] Announcement
June 2021 [2] Private Sale and IDO
June 2021 [3] Listing on the Defi Exchange
June 2021 [4] Staking and Farm
June 2021 [5] Aggressive Marketing
July 2021 [6] Listing on coinmarketcap & coingecko
August 2021 [7] DEX and NFT
This project and team has built a strong community with great potential. The best specialists work and inspire confidence in this project. This project will positively change the cryptocurrency world for the better. With great visions and a great team behind the success of the project, this project will go much further in the future because the team working on it is very strong, such a strong development team comes together with a relevant and strong idea.


Morbex is a decentralized AMM protocol that includes profitability optimization using multiple strategies. MORBEX FINANCE gives your savings the opportunity to grow. This platform is very smart and helpful for people. He has an innovative team, a solid reputation and a bright future. Great and great project with a dedicated team leader, 100% success guarantee.

• Useful links to the project •

Token Website:
White Paper:
Twitter: https : //


Username bitcointalk : Farahabis

Bitcointalk profil:

Email :

Birb // Обзор проекта


Децентрализованные финансы, также известные как DeFi, – это быстро развивающийся сектор криптовалютной индустрии. В то время как криптовалютные монеты создают децентрализованное хранилище стоимости отдельно от любой фиатной валюты, поддерживаемой государством, DeFi создает децентрализованные финансовые инструменты отдельно от традиционных централизованных учреждений.

Большинство платформ DeFi имеют форму децентрализованных приложений, известных как dapps. Эти dapps используют серию смарт-контрактов для автоматизации финансовых операций, делая их более быстрыми, эффективными и зачастую более доступными, чем их централизованные аналоги. Кроме того, поскольку dapps управляются компьютерным кодом, который по своей сути является нейтральным, не возникает вопроса о предвзятости.

Если общее оборотное предложение токена постоянно сокращается до заданного количества, то такой токен мы называем дефляционным, с другой стороны, инфляция – это добавление большего количества этого токена в его оборотное предложение. Все фиатные валюты, которые выпускаются правительством, являются инфляционными.

В мире криптовалют дефляции подвержены токены или монеты, и их стоимость будет фундаментально увеличиваться относительно национальных валют. В случае с дефляционными криптовалютами конституционной предпосылкой является постепенное сокращение существующего количества доступных токенов путем их устранения с рынка в процессе, который обычно называют сжиганием токенов.

О проекте Birb

Birb – это децентрализованная гипердефляционная монета, которая имеет одну цель – стать многофункциональной и удобной в использовании криптовалютой, нацеленной на вознаграждение держателей. Birb спроектирован как дружественная, быстрая и в то же время обладающая всеми возможностями и разработками, которые сделают его крупным соперником в мире криптовалют.

Токен BIRB – это родная валюта экосистемы BIRB. BIRB можно использовать в экосистеме для получения вознаграждений, токенов управления и других функций Defi, таких как стейкинг и фермерство.

Цель – предоставить нашему сообществу и пользователям простой и увлекательный способ отправлять и получать транзакции, обмениваться токенами в частном порядке, голосовать за предстоящие разработки и многое другое. Birb создан с учетом интересов птиц. Криптовалюта должна работать так же, как и птицы, которые свободно летают и не обращают внимания на границы и политику. Цель Birb – сделать токен Birb доступным для каждого человека, от поколения Z до бэби-бумеров, чтобы сделать внутренние и международные транзакции простыми и быстрыми – без ограничений, как у птиц.

Особенности данного проекта

Birb станет первой платформой для обмена мульти-токенов со встроенной функцией конфиденциальности под названием Flock Protocol. Это позволит вашим сделкам быть полностью скрытыми с дополнительным уровнем конфиденциальности. BirbSwap, высокозащищенная децентрализованная биржа, которая позволит вам легко покупать, продавать или обменивать различные токены мгновенно, постоянно защищая личность. Платформа для голосования сообщества, где владельцы BIRB могут голосовать за предстоящие события и за будущее направление BIRB. Каждый владелец Birb будет иметь возможность высказать свое мнение и проголосовать. У сообщества также будет возможность проголосовать за то, какие благотворительные фонды будут выделены.

Birb ставит своих владельцев на первое место, вознаграждая 48% от слитых $BIRB 200 лучшим владельцам каждые три дня. Игровой портал позволит любому желающему вылупляться и зарабатывать Birb каждые несколько дней. У 200 лучших держателей также будет возможность заработать еще больше BIRB, получая дополнительные вознаграждения каждые 3 дня. Лотерея Birb – это веселый способ заработать значительное количество монет BIRB. Просто купите лотерейный билет и проверьте, повезет ли вам сорвать джекпот.

Рынок NFT Birb позволит любому желающему предложить свои произведения искусства. Затем люди смогут принять участие в торгах и приобрести NFT. Любой человек сможет открыть свой личный рынок, используя сеть Birb. Команда талантливых художников также будет создавать лимитированные коллекционные карточки NFT. Birb разработал игровой онлайн-портал, где пользователи могут наслаждаться играми, получая токены BIRB. Веб-приложение позволяет любому заработать Birb, вылупившись из гнезда Birb. С помощью нашего веселого игрового портала вы можете вылупиться и получить вознаграждение в 1% токенов BIRB. Вознаграждения доступны каждый день на нашем игровом портале. Наше веб-приложение также вознаграждает наших держателей. 250 лучших держателей получают 48% от слитых BIRB.


Birb – это платформа DeFi, которая помогает пользователям взаимодействовать с блокчейном гораздо более простым способом. Здесь пользователи могут отправлять и получать транзакции, обмениваться токенами в частном порядке с помощью протокола Flock, голосовать за разработки и многое другое. В дорожной карте Birb есть планы по запуску децентрализованной биржи с высокой степенью защиты. Подобно Uniswap, Birbswap поможет пользователям получить доступ к токенам, перечисленным на их платформе, в обмен на другие токены BNB с дополнительной функцией анонимности.

Дополнительная информация

● Website:
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● Twitter:


Username bitcointalk : Farahabis

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Email :

bep20 address: 0xE6D8B92d352634797d1E609d9C98F0a0b8548524

Bitfresh – Secured , Transparent аnd Fair Blockchain based Gaming Platform

Gambling hаѕ bееn dоnе bу humans fоr а long time аnd hаѕ еvеn bесоmе part оf human culture fоr thousands оf years. In thе past, people gambled wіth а variety оf media, thе mоѕt popular оf whісh wеrе cards, roulette, etc. All gambling activities uѕеd tо bе dоnе offline, but ѕіnсе thе emergence аnd development оf thе internet, online gambling hаѕ bесоmе popular аmоng people аrоund thе world. Untіl now, thе global online gambling market size іѕ expected tо reach USD 127.3 billion bу 2027, thіѕ mаkеѕ thе gambling industry vеrу potential.

Talking аbоut online gambling, mауbе уоu wіll bе interested іn thіѕ оnе platform. It іѕ аn online gambling platform thаt offers users а transparent аnd fair service. Thіѕ іѕ Bitfresh – thе fіrѕt community-driven iGaming platform whеrе еvеrуоnе wins.

Fоr ѕоmе people whо don’t hаvе time tо gamble offline, thеу саn uѕе thеіr device tо bе аblе tо gamble online. Currently, online gambling platforms offer а variety оf games thаt users саn play freely. Mоѕt оf thеѕе platforms offer а gaming experience thаt іѕ nоt muсh dіffеrеnt frоm offline gambling platforms.

But thе problem іѕ thаt mаnу оf thеѕе online gambling platforms offer games wіth а system thаt іѕ nоt transparent аnd ѕоmеtіmеѕ unfair tо thе players. Thіѕ іѕ thе reason whу mаnу people аrе ѕtіll reluctant tо play online gambling, thеу аrе worried аbоut а game system thаt іѕ nоt transparent, honest, аnd fair.

Bitfresh іѕ аn online gambling platform thаt combines gaming wіth blockchain technology. Wіth thіѕ combination, Bitfresh bесоmеѕ а gaming platform thаt іѕ transparent, safe, honest, аnd fair tо global users. Sо thаt whеn уоu play games оn thе Bitfresh platform, уоu don’t hаvе tо worry аbоut security, transparency, аnd fairness.

Currently, Bitfresh рrоvіdеѕ vаrіоuѕ games thаt уоu саn access thrоugh аn easy interface, ѕuсh аѕ classic dice, coin flip, classic slots, 3D slots, аnd mаnу more. It іѕ planned thаt Bitfresh wіll develop аnd launch nеw games thrоugh thе TRON ecosystem. Thе TRON ecosystem іѕ considered vеrу suitable fоr development аnd iGaming deployments, ѕо Bitfresh chose TRON аѕ thе architecture оf thе game.

Bitfresh Features

Bitfresh offers а secure аnd transparent blockchain-based gaming platform fоr global users. Players саn access vаrіоuѕ games ѕuсh аѕ classic dice, coin flip, classic slots, 3D slots, аnd mаnу mоrе easily аnd safely. But thе Bitfresh feature іѕ nоt оnlу that, thеrе аrе ѕtіll оthеr features рrоvіdеd bу Bitfresh, thе fоllоwіng аrе thе features;

(a) Transparency: Bitfresh leverages blockchain technology tо create а gaming platform thаt іѕ transparent аnd саn bе trusted bу users.
(b) Fairness: Tо create аn honest gaming ecosystem, Bitfresh uѕеѕ RNG-certified game providers аnd provably-fair
technology fоr games.
(c) Community Driven: On Bitfresh, thе community саn participate іn participating іn Bitfresh development bу sending feedback оr suggestions.
(d) Innovative Gaming Mechanics: Bitfresh implements аn innovative game mechanism аnd іѕ quіtе nеw tо thе industry. Wіth thіѕ mechanism, Bitfresh саn increase user engagement аnd retention.
(e) Staking: Players саn stake thеіr tokens tо maximize thеіr profit.
(f) Dividend: Players аnd stakeholders саn gеt dividends thrоugh thе Bitfresh dividend system.

BFT Token
BFT іѕ а token launched bу BitFresh wіth а supply оf 1,000,000,000 tokens. It іѕ а TRON based token аnd wіll serve аѕ а payment, аnd users саn uѕе іt fоr staking аnd game currency. Fоllоwіng аrе details оf thе BFT token;

Token Name: BitFresh Token
Token Symbol: BFT
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
Token Type: TRC-20 TRON Based Token
Token Type: 18 TRON Based Token

Experts predict thаt thе online gambling industry wіll grow rapidly іn thе future, еѕресіаllу оn thе blockchain-based gambling platform, ѕеvеrаl platforms ѕuсh аѕ Wink, BlueBet, аnd Dice2Win recorded mоrе thаn а USD 4 million weekly transaction volume each. And thеу hаvе mаdе huge profits frоm thіѕ industry.
Bitfresh wіll join thе industry bу providing а transparent аnd fair online gambling platform. At Bitfresh, еvеrуоnе wins, bесаuѕе Bitfresh іѕ а community-driven online gambling platform thаt аllоwѕ users tо contribute tо thе development оf thе platform. And аllоwѕ thеm tо maximize thеіr profit, bу providing features ѕuсh аѕ а stake, dividends, mining, rewards, аnd referrals. It іѕ а decentralized online gambling platform thаt wіll provide global users wіth а trustless аnd manipulation free gaming experience. #cryptocurrency #blockchain #dapp #gambling #betting #fairplay #igaming #bitfresh #cryptomining #decentralization

BitFresh Official Resources

Join Thе Bitfresh Ambassador Program :



Gotem will be a platform through which blockchain will offer a decentralized research way in this way, Gotem intends to help acquire and finance certain missions for all specific interests because in this way Gotem will fulfill all objectives so that everyone will be able to finance global defense, as a security industry and humanitarian efforts, Gotem will empower individuals, all communities, and industry and all countries around the world so that Gotem will contribute effectively because it will enable all its users to find and access, and employ sympathizers or security guards for specific missions and everyone will be able to fund to carry out the mission and obtain the desired results,because funds for all cases and specific missions can be funded collectively through private contractors will be able to apply to handle cases and missions, with Contributors for missions as they will use the voting system

to decide which contractor to use, so that it will be completely transparent as Gotem’s voting and scoring system will democratize the ecosystem, as the platform will act to ensure better protection and security through a fully decentralized peer-to-peer platform, Gotem will allow crowdfunding, voting and betting Gotem wants to bring global prosperity to everyone by decentralizing funding through a decentralized platform,it cannot be closed off from the authorities or special interest groups because Gotem will make diversification of resources easy and the reality makes global changes where everyone participates in the contribution to Gotem with his functional prototypes as it is ready to launch on Gotem and his technical team. This predicts that his movement will change the way everyone interacts and conduct their life as it will facilitate and make it transparent once and for all so for more information Please visit the website and read the white paper for more technical detailsIt predicts that his movement will change the way everyone interacts and conduct their lives as it will facilitate and make it transparent once and for all so for more information Please visit the website and read the white paper for more technical detailsIt predicts that his movement will change the way everyone interacts and conduct their life as it will facilitate and make it transparent once and for all so for more information Please visit the website and read the white paper for more technical details


on the Gotem Platform everyone can post their urgent cases related to private investigations, or defense, cybersecurity and humanitarian aid, and more because the Gotem platform will allow anyone to search and hire private investigators, private security and virtual detectives. from around the world. remote world, so that all ordinary people and licensed researchers can also provide research services or assist in finding information or problem solving in an easy, profitable and confidential way because anyone with simple Internet search skills can easily find out that everyone can help solve a lot of trouble because they will find themselves on the Gotem platform because all the people from all over the world who in turn need specific information about a person, organization or tangible product,



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Dynamic launch of Q2 beta platform. Admission to the AWS Joint Innovation Incubator at Startup Terrace in New Taipei City. As part of the AWS 2020 incubation program.



Name: Farahabis

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Markaccy, the next generation blockchain based Digital Economy


General Presentation 

The latest digital economy will serve as a driver and the new model of economic growth and development . It will also reshape the conventional approach associated to the management of the global businesses. Blockchain technology is becoming a mechanism for global economic globallization and contributing to the speedy transition of the economy . With the emegence of blockchain technology , the digital economy will effectively fuctions as an effective tool that will drive the growth of the global economy. In the recent years , blockchain technology has played a huge rol in the global digital economy. Despite the fact that the industry is still very young ,it has been impacting the global economy positively and several measures are being taken by the industry experts to standardize the industry. Today, in this article i will be discussing about a promising blockchain project named Markaccy ,It is building the next generation blockchain based Digital Economy.Markaccy is willing to revolutionize transparency , restoring trust and ensuring profitability for businesses.

About Markaccy 

Markaccy will be revolutionizing the global digital econony by leveraging blockchain technology and offering a stable ,financial fairness and equality to the global users.

Markaccy will be achieving this goal by removing the service of the middlemen and connecting users from various business sectors on its blockchain platform.

Markaccy blockchain ecosystem will provide a transparent,scalable , speedy ,fraud free and 100% decentralized blockchain services which will guarantees userstsand investors safety and profitability . 

Markaccy Ecosystem consist of a Market place ,Markaccy Wallet , its Mainnet and its Self mining system . The Marketplace is an open market place where buyers and sellers meet for business transactions . Among the element of Markaccy Ecosystem includes its wallet ,which allows end users acces to store , purchase and send  cryptocurrencies.

Markaccy Mining system : The platform have a self mining platform which enable users earn up to 10% of MKCY token bonusess on annual basis by storing and holding MKCY token in their various wallet.Talking about Markaccy Mainnet , it will offer ultimate solution for decentralized storage and advertising transactions in a Public ledger .Markaccy MarketPlace Markaccy is a free market where everyone is alow to conduct business transactions . i.e buying and selling . It is a freelance form of market where any form of users, be it proffesional or newbies can implements all available proffesional features to conduct their businesses. The market offers flexible functionalities and different system of connecting buyers and sellers .Users are enable to set their own rules and terms of business. In terms of charges levies on the users for using the market place, Markaccy offers a very affordeble service charge compared to any existing platform .Markaccy market place sees the interest of users as the priority and they enable all functionality to deliver the most efficient services for the global users.MKCY is the native currency of Markaccy Ecosystem , it serves as fuel that will power every activities in the platform .The Model of the platform allows 5% charges on the transaction conducted in the platform . 



1. SMART CONTRACTS: Markaccy Smart Contracts is a mechanism that faciliate safe and transaprent transactions between two or more parties withouth the involvement of intermediary . The Smart Contract removes the excessive charges imposed by the middlemen .The Smart Contracts sees that both parties to business agreed and meet with he stipulated terms and conditions before finally executing the transactions. Markaccy platform implements smart Contracts and as a result , transparent service is rendered in the platform .

2. Digital Health System : Markaccy Chain is highly effective in health industry . Medical data of patients are securely stored on blockchain and that can be easily tracked whenever needed. It offers a very important service in health sector. The blockchain allows stored Medical data easily stored and sorted Data anayltics tools is also available which enable solving patients health problems . These services will ensure provision of efficient medical services and eliminating the service of the staggering doctors. 

3. Decentralized Finance (DeFI) : Markaccy Mainnet comprises of Financial service apps which ensures efficiencies and eliminate errors . This is a very crucial service in blockchain space. This aspect of Markaccy service will decentralize finance and enable global users to access seamless financial services irrespective of their location. This financial system is universal and will go a along way because it eradicates the limitation imposed by centralized financial system . Markaccy will decentralized financial services , users ,loan lenders and borrowers will be linked together, this concepts will eliminate the complexity ,documentation and credit assessment associated with centralized financial system . Credit worthy users will be grant access to loan while the mainent flags users will bad credit history .Markaccy Mainnet will make available DApp which will guarantees end users free access to financial services through their internet connected devices at a very moderate fees.

4. Digital Currency( MKCY) : It is a digital currency based on Ethereum blockchain , it will be used as a medium of exchange .Sales of MKCY token is ongoing , interested investors can purchase the token while the token sale is ongoing . MKCY will be used as a medium of exchange , the current price is $0.02$ . MKCY will fuel every activities of Markaccy ecosystem . There is no doubt MKCY token has a massive use case and will be globally adopted . With time , the value of MKCY will spike up 

Final thought , 

Markaccy blockchain ecosystem will provide a transparent, scalable , speedy ,fraud free and 100% decentralized blockchain services which will guarantees users and investors safety and profitability . The token Sale is ongoing. It really worth taking a good look at this class of project due to the varieties of potential it has . Be part of the amazing revolution.


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Crypto Reviews that are Democratic

Crypto Reviews that are DemocraticCrypto Reviews that are Democratic and Transparent.Cryptocurrency exchange reviews actually do not exist. It is not known where Cryptocurrency exchanges are,according to user experience, There are many popular platforms where people can see exchanges according to their volume and trust scores, but there is no experience where end users are registered.Users have lost crypto on the popular exchange, if they can access the end user and reviewed this loss will be prevented.But fake problems, volumes that create problems for users who are looking for trusted exchanges to trade.There is also another problem that Crypto Exchange is relatively new and projects are difficult to stand out in Crowd.To solve this problem, we have created ProExchangers Crypto Exchange platform, along with this platform we have Proexchangers Review Tokens, Tokens designed to reward users who promote transparency in the Crypto space.
Here Proexchangers proposes a website where people can review Crypto, Exchange it honestly and provide useful feedback for people looking for an Exchange to trade.As:- ProExchangers review website, where people can write reviews about exchanges and find honest opinions from users.- ProExchangers Review Token, to finance Crypto transparency reviews.
The nature of the Crypto currency industry means that retail investors must rely on exchanges, developers and coin ranking sites to make decisions.This relationship looks like a relationship between retail investors and players in the Crypto industry.
From the diagram above we can see that retail investors do not have a central point where they can share opinions about exchanges and projects with other users. Retail investors do not have a primary way to get information from other users and convey information to other users.
– Fake Volume:There is a problem of fake volume and howcreating trust issues, hopefully popular coin rating platforms try to solve them by creating metrics.
– Another problem is that the young crypto project does not have enough visibility and ProExchangers aims to resolve this problem by creating classes and pages dedicated only to projects that are less than 18 months old.
Detail Token.Platform: token ERC20Pasokan MAX: TBDAlamat kontrak: TBDTanggal Peluncuran: TBD


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3WM Project

3WM Project

What is 3WM Project?3WM is a global industrial project dedicated to protect the environment and improving living conditions. Our ambition is to revolutionize the way we manage waste and plastics, the way we treat water, the way we move, by creating the world’s largest network of bioenergy plants and the world’s first green intelligence network.VISIONThe planet is experiencing unprecedented widespread pollution that threatens the life of ecosystems and living things.Waste is piling up everywhere, all the time, especially plastic waste, which has become an omnipresent major poison. Inaddition, 2.1 billion people do not have access to drinking water and the resulting mortality rate is exorbitant andunacceptable. Finally, the mobility and transport facilitated, which punctuate our way of life, without being the first issue interms of pollution, reduce each day a little more the air quality, and have disastrous consequences for our health and theclimate..3WM is a global project fighting pollution of soil, water and air. We have created a virtuous environmental circlebased on blockchain and revolutionary industrial technologies, disruptive and patented, waste recovery,purification of water, improved mobility modes.Resulting from the committed and humanist vision of a group of Swiss and French founders, 3WM brings anunprecedented response, concrete project for the future of the planet, and profitable for its investors :• We transform 100% of waste into energy by developing the 1st global network of clean and autonomous factoriestransforming 100% of waste into energy.• We create a virtuous circle of depollution by paying in 3WM token waste collection and ecological actions.• We treat water by making it drinkable and accessible to as many people as possible.• We improve transport modes to ever lower CO2 emissions.• We are creating the world’s first network of ecological centers dedicated to the protection of the environment (ETC),dedicated to the acceleration of global green-tech projects, to research, sharing, and investment.

1- Create a world 1st plant network of waste & plastic to bioenergies55 revolutionary plants powered by a world unique patented process with a render of 97% and without any use of external energy or any kind of pollution or reject.2- Now waste & plastic waste have valueBy changing them into bioenergies their are now considered as raw material.3- Reward people for wasteThanks to 3WM Platform, people can exchange waste and plastic and/or their ecological actions with 3WM Tokens.4- Develop innovative eco- technologies of the futureInvest or/and enhance 200 new waste, water, mobility technologies5- Create a world network of 10 Eco Tech CentersThose centers will welcome and enhance a selection of the finest green tech companies. The first one is now live in France.CROWD-SALE OF 3WM TOKENS+ Crowd-sale start date: September 15th 2020 2 PM UTC+ Crowd-sale end date: October 30th 2020 2 PM UTC+ Minimum Crowd-sale investment amount: €100+ Price per 3WM (with Bonus 15% included): €0,0595+ Price per 3WM (with Bonus 10% included): €0,063+ Conversion rate per 3WM Token: €0.07Special bonuses:15% Bonus up to 1’400’000’000 of 3WM sold10% Bonus from 1’400’000’001 to 2 428 571 429 of 3WM Token soldMaximum amount of 3WM Tokens to be sold during the Crowd-sale:2’428’571’429 which represents €170 million of valorisation.RoadMapQ1 2010 – Q2 2018Creation of Innovation Solar Holding AGStarting LOGOIL ( Plastic To Fuel) projectResearch & Development (Water, Waste & Mobility)Acquisition of Patented technologies (Water, Waste & Mobility)Q3 2018Birth of 3WM ProjectDecision to use the Blockchain and create a cryptocurrency dedicated to the project3WM Coin Invest Group creation in Switzerland by Swiss and French investorsQ4 2018Start strategic partnerships for 3 pillars (Water, Waste & Mobility)Acquisition of Mulhouse building (first ETC in France)Whitepaper conceptionQ1 – Q2 2019Development of the Pulversheim siteAdvisory and team member onboardingQ3 – Q4 2019Investment in the «Plastic To Energy» industrial pilot, financed by equity7 first partners decide to settle on the  first 3WM ETC in France3WM Platform developmentQ1 – Q2 2020Smart contract conception for 3WM Innovation Program3WM Platform version 1.0PartnershipsQ3 – Q4 20203WM Label programListing on crypto exchange3WM Platform version 2.02021 – 2022Creation of the 2nd 3WM ETC in MaghrebCreation of the 3rd 3WM ETC in Middle EastTeam membersAndré Spathelf | CEONabil El Aichaoui | COO – CIOGabriel J. PEÑA| International Business Development ManagerChristian Gauthier | Mobility ManagerElisabeth Spathelf | Public Relations ManagerMartin Müller | Business ManagerHans-Eberhardt Frenzel | Medical Waste ManagerErich Gröver | Technology ManagerInvestors & FoundersPeter Ammann | Co-founderGérard Risch | Co-founderPaul Strub | InvestorAdvisorsRémy Ozcan | Blockchain ExpertChristophe Ozcan | Blockchain ExpertFrederic Rohmer | Renewable Energy ExpertArnaud Stoeltzlen | Renewable Energy ExpertArnaud Courouble | Marine Environment ExpertKlaus Gommel | Circular Economy ExpertLucirene Rocha de Abreu | South America Business ExpertHikmet Dagci | EURASIA Business ExpertInformation


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Azbi Network is a newly created multi-chain infrastructure network.

About Azbi

Azbi Network is a newly created multi-chain infrastructure network, a public system. It has its own support and EVM, which creates a scalable and open platform for third-party industry developers. Large-scale enterprise applications are possible with the AZBI network through the use of smart contracts. Key technologies highlighted by the Azbi network include its own multi-chain architecture that supports the EVM environment through POS-based consensus at several levels

As several chains become more common, the storage capabilities and power of computers increase linearly. Azbi Network is the first blockchain to support EVM in a multi-level multi-chain structure. The multi-channel approach is much better than the previous child chaining method, which usually supports smart contracts and benefits thanks to the enhanced DApp support features.

Smart Contracts

The Azbi Network implements smart contracts for non-local tokens through cross-calling. Smart Contract uses AZBI network tools to support the use of tokens and BCHs with the ERC20 protocol. The main idea is that the tools provided by the network are used in other block chains and start an intellectual contract on the network with tokens from other block chains, tokens will be obtained in the first instance using a set of tools using a data-driven intelligent knowledge graph, When the AZBI token number reaches the convertible number into a token outside the chain, tools will be used to transfer this number of tokens from the Azbi network to use the corresponding number of tokens in e platforms for calling a smart contract.

Multiple problems encountered by the blockchain when applied to smart contracts, which should be noted, including:

● A Lack Of Effective Oracle That Is Not Unified Across Platforms.

For Instance, The Bitcoin Ecosystem Is Closed With All Of Its Data Being Generated From Within Its Own System, Which Means That The Authenticity And Validity Of The Data Is Confirmed As Trustworthy. In Comparison To That, The Smart Contract Application Has To Use Data And Knowledge Gained By Different External Systems, So A Bottleneck Is Created By The Requirement For External Platform Authentication. This Creates Wasted Resources And In General Complicates The Transactions.

● Large Scale Transactions Lack Sufficient Levels Of Support.

Single Strand Competition Creates A Wasted Level Of Resources In Terms Of Browsing And Complicates The Restoration Of Transaction.

● There Is An Increased Demand For Support That Exists Across Multiple Chains.

Compatibility Of Platforms Is An Issue For Smart Contracts.

Information token

● Ticker — AZBI

● Token Type — Ethereum

● ICO token value — 1 AZBI = 0.000005 ETH

● Fundraising Goal — 10,000 ETH

● Available for sale of tokens — 2,000,000,000 AZBI

● Accepts — ETH


● Public sale — 10.00%

● Team — 25.00%

● Private sales — 20.00%

● Rate — 20.00%

● Bounty and Airdrop — 5.00%

● Platform development — 20.00%

Road Map

August 2019


November 2019

Draft suggestions and review

February 2020

AZBI Limited Education

March 2020

User base formation, advertising

April 2020

Initialization of prize bets

October 2020

AZBI Testnet Bughunt (selected testers)

December 2020

AZBI Testnet Bughunt (public)

February 2021

Launch of AZBI Testnet (activation of bids)

May 2021

AZBI Mainnet Bughunt (selected testers)

July 2021

AZBI Mainnet Bughunt (public)

November 2021

Launch of AZBI Mainnet (activation of bets)

February 2022

Community Management Activation

Our Team

Michael Wang — Founder of AZBI

Alina Ranta — network engineer

Roberta Bird — Senior Graphic Designer

Miranda Weaver — Public Relations

Mike Kim — Full Stack Engineer

● Website:

● Whitepaper:

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● Medium:

● Twitter:


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